(856) 753-4599
Welcome to BrianRichardsAssemblies.com!
Educational shows for grades Pre-K to 6.

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Every Show Features...
Visually Engaging Set & Backdrop
Designed to create excitement and anticipation
Amazing Magic
Designed to intrique your students
Hysterical Comedy
Designed to engage your students
Audience Participation
Designed to involve your students and create memorable moments
Creating retention of the material learned
300 Watt Sound System
We will provide our own state-of-the-art sound system
Remote Controled Music
Creates emotion and stimulates the learning
Teacher Guide
To provide classroom discussion following the assembly
Take-Home Material
Designed to get the message home
Liability Insurance
Yes, we are covered
Are you looking for the perfect show to get your students
excited about READING and the LIBRARY?
The Magic Of Reading has and continues to receive rave reviews from librarians, teachers, PTA presidents, principals, students, and parents throughout the U.S.A.
This assembly is designed to tickle the imagination, highlight the fun of reading, and encourage children to explore the library.
Featuring magic, comedy, audience participation, story telling, and educational fun, this show is guaranteed to be a hit.
Though the show is perfect any time of the year, it is especially appropriate when tied in with...
National Library Week
Children’s Book Week
Read-Across America
Book Fairs
Summer Camps
and more.
Whether you use this program to kick-off a reading challenge or to simply celebrate reading, Brian will customize the program to meet your school needs and get your school pumped about reading!