(856) 753-4599
Welcome to BrianRichardsAssemblies.com!
Educational shows for grades Pre-K to 6.

Want a show that will get your kids excited about being FIT?
For over 10 years, The bFit Show has received rave reviews from schools and camps throughout the United States. It has been the #1 Assembly Assembly Program in New York City and Long Island, NY according to B.O.C.E.S. and it appears at hundreds of schools and camps every year.
In this show for grades Pre K - 6, Brian Richards uses magic, comedy, music, and tons of audience participation to deliver a powerful healthy message that today's kids MUST hear.
With child obesity at an all-time high and kids developing early chronic disease associated with poor nutrition and exercise, Brian's message is very timely.
The message is simple: In order for our bodies to bFit, we must bFueled, bActive, and bCreative. In this 45 minute dynamic presentation, Brian will break down these healthy tips in a fun, engaging, positive, and memorable way. Your students will learn:
Why we need at least one hour of exercise every day
How to get exercise during screen time
Why we need a balanced diet of the five healthy food groups
Why fruits and veggies are magic to our bodies
And more...
Plus, your kids will actually get up and exercise. Brian will lead your kids through a mini-workout, designed to make exercise FUN and help kids incorporate it into their daily lifestyle.
Virtual SHOWS
Get ready for an amazing experience ONLINE that your kids will lOVE!
Using magic, comedy, exercise, and on-screen interactive magic, The bFit Show is designed to come to classrooms, living rooms, or anywhere there in an internet connection.
Shows are performed "live" from Brian's state-of-the-art studio with multiple cameras, professional lighting, quality sound, and fun graphics. Shows can be presented on Zoom or GoogleMeet (Zoom preferred).
Watch as your kids and students are glued to their screens and the best part...they will learn to make GOOD HEALTHY CHOICES!